Who doesn’t enjoy a good high once in a while! Drinking can really set you back if you have issues with your weight and metabolism.
With problems like obesity you doctor might constantly be nagging you to stay away from alcohol but that’s all right.
There is a solution for every problem and can enjoy being a little drunk while not having to worry about getting over weight.
Wine is probably the best drink you want to adopt in your new diet if you are considering a healthy alcoholic diet. You can enjoy your summer evenings with a glass or two of wine without having to worry about those extra pounds around your belly. But for that you will have to pick up your wines very smartly.
There exist wines to drink if you want t lose weight, that have as little as 90 calories per glass and if you are making the right choices there will be no weighing problems. Following are some wines to drink if you want to lose weight.
Champagne and sparkling wines
These are the drinks that have only 90-125 calories per glass and are definitely not harmful like the rest if you have weight issues. It s because they are sparkling wines they have fewer calories than the other wines in the market.
They are usually served in a Champagne flute and because the size of it is much smaller also the bubbles that surface make the consumption process slow and you tend to drink less.
If you are looking for a drink that has much or no residual sugar at all then go for the dry sparklers which are labelled either ‘Brut’, ‘Extra Brut’ or ‘Brut Nature’.
Light White Wine
Another type of wine that you can stick to if you want to lose weight is light white wine. They have much less calorie count as they come from cool climatic regions, mostly wines coming in from countries like France, Germany and Italy.
The grapes grown in these countries are not able to ripe fully which is why they have less sugar content as compared to grapes grown in countries like U.S., South America and Australia.
This is the reason why French wines are usually much less on calories and still taste delicious. For a great experience you might want to choose from pinot grigio, sauvignon blanc and riesling.
Light Red Wine
If you are someone who can’t just accept white wines as a substitute and have to have red wine then there is still hope for you. Although red wines are higher in calories but there are some light red wines that you can pick from.
Lighter style reds are a much better option for you if you are concerned about that pot belly that you have started to develop. These have lower alcohol and less sugar, specifically those made from the gamay, pinot poir or barbera grapes.
Dry Rosé Wine
Every tried those wines with an appealing pink colour. Well they are not red but they still taste great and considerably better than some of the light white wines.
For those of you are are intent to sticking to low calorie flavoured wines go for dry style rosés that are usually from Provence. They don’t have any sugar which makes them much healthier.
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