Elevate Your Grocery Store With a Delivery Scheduler

Elevate Your Grocery Store

Online deliveries have been a trend for a long time. However, due to the pandemic, grocery delivery has been soaring high. In fact, experts estimate that it would climb from $35 billion to $250 billion by 2025.

In such a world, where more and more people are expecting home deliveries, don’t you think it would be better to have a delivery service for your grocery store? With deliveries, you can retain your old customers and boost your sales. You can target 62% of shoppers that look for convenience, 42% for whom time-saving is essential, and 66% of buyers for whom online inventory visibility is necessary.

Elevate Your Grocery Store

For this, you would need a solution such as Magento 2 Delivery Date. With it, you can help your customers select their preferred date. Your delivery agents can be free of unnecessary back and forth.

With a Magento 2 estimated delivery date, you can provide the estimated time of delivery. You can track orders, deliver more in less time, and do a lot more.

Let’s see what more you can do with a Magento 2 Delivery Date extension.

Same Day Delivery

The most crucial factor in grocery delivery is delivery time. Customers expect to get their groceries within 1-2 hours or at most by the end of the day. If you manage the deliveries manually, it might not be possible to deliver everything on the same day. Or it might get too hectic for you and your team.

So to avoid this situation, it’s better you have a Magento 2 Delivery Date Scheduler. You can set a price for deliveries and even limit per day orders. By learning about the count, you can manage orders and decide the delivery dates.

Track Orders

What if you have a lot of orders on the list and while managing them manually, you miss out on a few? Eventually, it would drop sales. You might even lose a few customers. The probability of losing is higher in both scenarios.

But if you use Magento 2 Delivery Date extension, you can track all the orders, know where they are, when they will be delivered, and so on. You won’t miss out on any order.

The detailed reports will update you about the received orders, deliveries, to be delivered products, return orders, and more. By tracking the location of deliveries, you can keep your customers up-to-date about their deliveries.

Defined Time Slot

Enabling customers to define a delivery date is common. With Magento 2 Delivery Date Scheduler, you can allow your customers to select a delivery time too. It will give them transparency about their grocery deliveries.

For example, your customer is expecting delivery today but is unaware of the time. They have upcoming appointments and events to attend or go somewhere.

In this situation, it would be difficult for them to leave the place until the groceries arrive. They will keep calling the delivery person constantly to know about the orders and arrival time.

To avoid such chaos, you can provide them with a particular time slot. It would decrease your delivery personnel’s back and forth and save customers’ time.

Flexible Dates

In the above example, we saw how unspecified time could create chaos in delivery. How daunting it can be for you, your customers, and your delivery team. We all saw the feature of Magento 2 estimated delivery date that can ease everyone’s delivery process, i.e., time slot.

Adding to this scenario, consider that your customer has to leave or won’t be available to receive the groceries at scheduled time and date. What solution can you provide them for this?

Because if they are not available and groceries are left at the door (according to instructions), they may rot. Or, your delivery person may have to make rounds only for that one customer.

You can avoid this situation with a Magento 2 Delivery Date extension. This extension provides a customizable date feature that allows customers to change their delivery dates and time.

Even after ordering the groceries, they can change the dates. It can be an hour before the delivery too. (Of course, you can define the limit from the backend.)

No matter what the circumstances are, with features like these, customers will always prefer you over others.

Reminder Emails

Reminders are the best way to keep everyone on the same page. If customers forgot about their deliveries or the time to pick the groceries (choosing a pick-up option), you could send out emails to remind them about the same.

With Magento 2 delivery date, you can also keep your delivery team informed. They can know about their upcoming deliveries, changes in the delivery time, and more. It would further ensure that there are no missed deliveries or miscommunication.

Comments and Notes

Asking customers about their particular requirements is always a better way to build your store’s reputation. Knowing what they need and equipping them with it is a symbol of excellent customer service.

For this, Magento 2 Delivery Date provides a feature to add comments and notes. While ordering, your customers can add notes and delivery instructions. It can then help your delivery person to deliver groceries in the right manner. Overall, you can provide your customers precisely what they asked for.

Ready to Integrate a Magento 2 Delivery Date?

This extension would help you get the best for your customers as well as your team.

With it, you can be sure of providing your customers with extra; something that they value, a service they look for, ease of ordering that many businesses miss out on. You can provide your customers with their valuable time.


Want to grow your grocery business? Integrate a Magento 2 Delivery Date extension. To know why, read the article.

About Pamela Orange 15 Articles
Pamela Orange is an active tech blogger. She has graduated from Mumbai University. She has contributed a number of great and informative articles to the internet. Apart from blogging she loves music, games, puzzles and reading.